Commodore's Award Nomination and Ball
The Annual Commodore's Ball, in addition to being one of the first official social events of the year, is also the opportunity to recognize a PCYC member for their outstanding contribution to PCYC.
Commodore’s Award for Outstanding Contribution
One of the more rewarding aspects of being a part of PCYC is the interaction with our fellow members. As we all know, there are some wonderful people in our Club who volunteer incredible amounts of their time for the benefit of us all. In some cases individual commitments are protracted over long periods and in others it involves a shorter period on a specific project. Others choose to make financial contributions in order to enhance numerous aspects of the Club. Typically these individuals do not look for recognition and, unfortunately, we do not always find the time to recognize their efforts or to simply say thank you on behalf of the entire membership.
With this in mind, our Commodore has decided that we should start a new and exciting tradition at the annual Commodore’s Ball and take that opportunity to thank and recognize the team or individual who has made an outstanding contribution and should be publicly recognized and thanked. The top candidates will be asked to attend the Ball in order to be formally recognized and the winner will be presented with an appropriate plaque and gift.
The Guidelines around this Award will be as follows:
Past Winners of the Commodore's Award
2006 | Marilea & Ian McAllister |
2007 | Jane & Paul Messenger |
2008 | Mark Searle |
2009 | Susan & Jim Currey |
2010 | Margaret & John Williams |
2011 | Robin Ball |
2012 | Carol & Helmut Trupke |
2013 | John Weakley |
2014 | Barb and Dennis Moss |
2015 | Maureen and Doug Cameron |
2016 | John Crawley |
2017 | Margaret and Chris Sullivan |
2018 | Pat Lymburner and Lyn Townsend |
2019 | Martin and Rosanne Lomas |
2020 | Knut and Gerda Buschmann |
2021 | Rob and Vivienne McVicar |
2022 | David Collier and Katy O'Rourke |
2023 | Ruby Patrickson |