Directions to PCYC
By Water:
43º33.38′N; 79º32.87′W is 1/2 mile SE of entrance to harbour
43º33.72′N; 79º33.37′W is just off the breakwaters
From the West
Exit the QEW at Cawthra Road, head South until you reach Lakeshore Road.
Turn left (East towards Toronto) for about 1 km. Just after a Tim Hortons Coffee Shop on your right, turn right at the light onto Lakefront Promenade.
Follow the road for about 1.5km and the gated entrance to our Club is on your left.
From the East
Exit the QEW at Dixie Road, veer right and follow signs for Dixie Road South. Head South until you reach Lakeshore Road.
Turn right (West away from Toronto) for about 2 km. Just before a Tim Hortons Coffee Shop on your left, turn left at the light onto Lakefront Promenade.
Follow the road for about 1.5km and the gated entrance to our Club is on your left.
At the gate entrance, please press the intercom button, let us know who you are visiting and request entrance. If you get lost just call 905 278 5578.